UNM 2020 Census Complete Count Committee
![UNM 2020 Census Complete Count Committee [article image]](../../assets/img/census-2020.jpg)
When: Wed, Jul 01 2020 9:00am - Wed, Jul 01 2020 10:30am
Where: Zoom
AGENDA W 7/1@9-10:30am (ZOOM LINK BELOW)
*Everyone is always welcome*
- Introductions (Please write name, affiliation and email in chat so we can add you to listserve for upcoming meetings. Thank you!)
- Updates: Response Rates, Door to Door Efforts, Raffle, Other? (Last day for self-response is 10/31/20)
- Funding Opportunities
- Requesting Agenda Items on Staff Council, Faculty Senate, Regents, Student Orgs for August/Sept/October
- HSC Campus Outreach and Potential Collaborations
- Branch Campus Outreach
- Fall Events/Strategies for Mobilizing Complete Count
- Other? Announcements: African American Complete Count Committee Youth Forum 7/2@6pm, Flyer attached.
- Next meeting: W 8/5@9am via ZOOM (Same ZOOM Link - pasted below; please send agenda items by 7/29. Thank you!)
Most current response rate for NM is 50.8% for compared to 61.8% for the rest of the country. Albuquerque response rate is 65.7 but this varies tremendously by census tract.
Census Webinar re: Race and Ethnicity Data and TabulationsThis webinar will provide you with a deeper understanding of how the questions and concepts of race and ethnicity are operationalized in the Census. Topics covered will include:
- What is race?
- What is ethnicity?
- History of race and ethnicity in the United States decennial census
- U.S. Office of Management and Budget Standards on Race and Ethnicity
- Why data on race and ethnicity is important
- 2020 Census question design improvements for race and ethnicity
- Common responses to the questions on race and ethnicity and how these responses are interpreted by the Census Bureau
Nancy López is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: UNM 2020 Census Complete Count Committee - *ALL ZOOM MEETING UNTIL FUTHER NOTICE *
Time: Jul 1, 2020 09:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the First Wed, until Nov 4, 2020, 5 occurrence(s)
Jul 1, 2020 09:00 AM
Aug 5, 2020 09:00 AM
Sep 2, 2020 09:00 AM
Oct 7, 2020 09:00 AM
Nov 4, 2020 09:00 AM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
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Meeting ID: 870 657 633
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Meeting ID: 870 657 633
Find your local number: https://unm.zoom.us/u/ abu3coEy9f
Link: Join Zoom Meeting