Announcing: FRI Faculty Research Grants 2018-2019 Cycle

When: Fri, Nov 09 2018 11:59pm

The FRI is pleased to announce the opening of our 2018-2019 Faculty Research Grant cycle!

Grants of up to $1,500 will be awarded in Fall 2018. These annual grants are intended as “seed money” to support feminist (including LGBT, Queer/Quare) research or projects focused on the study of gender and/or sexuality. Funds may be requested for research trips, supplies, graduate assistant stipends or other research expenses. They are not intended to support conference travel or stipends for the applicant. They are due by November 9th. Please see the CFP attached.

Also, please note that the first of our Fall 2018 Lecture series will feature Dr. Bernadine Hernández speaking on "Invisible Bodies of a New Nation: Civility and Sexual Economies on the Nineteenth Century Borderlands." The talk takes place on 10/30 from 12-1pm in SUB Cherry/Silver. Please see the attached flyer.
